
Good News!kekang Medical Won The “Top 50 Yueqing Manufacturers”

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On June 9th, 2021, the city's high-quality manufacturing industry development and striving to build a national advanced manufacturing cluster mobilization meeting for the electrical industry was held. Yueqing Municipal Party Secretary Fang Hui, Deputy Secretary, Mayor Xu Jianbing, Municipal People’s Congress Party Secretary and Director Hu Chengjian, and CPPCC Chairman Pan Yunfu attended the meeting. The general manager of our company Mr. Huang Peirong attended the meeting and took the stage to receive the award.

Good News!kekang Medical Won The “Top 50 Yueqing Manufacturers”

At the meeting, Fang Hui emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important statement on the strategy of making the country strong, fully implement the spirit of the provincial and Wenzhou manufacturing high-quality development conferences, adhere to the use of intelligent technology as a key grasp, and upgrade with digital technology. Focus on the main direction, take low-carbon transformation as the industry guide, anchor the high-standard positioning of the strongest industrial cluster in China, be a pioneer and leader with a stronger sense of mission, expand international horizons with a stronger sense of urgency, enter foreign markets, and strive to promote Yueqing's electrical industry has made great strides toward the center of the world stage.

Good News!kekang Medical Won The “Top 50 Yueqing Manufacturers”

At the meeting, the "Yueqing Electric Industry Innovation and Development Service Center" award ceremony was held, commending a group of meritorious enterprises such as listing, press conference, and Yueqing Top 50 Manufacturing Enterprises; Zhejiang Kekang Medical Technology Co., Ltd. was commended by the conference and won the "2020 Ranked 34th in the “Yueqing Top 50 Manufacturers of the Year”

Good News!kekang Medical Won The “Top 50 Yueqing Manufacturers”

In recent years, Kekang medical finally maintain the development trend of high-speed growth, the company with first-class product quality, gradually improve the share of the international market, the brand effect is gradually prominent,  the production scale is also growing, for Yueqing high quality economic development has made due contribution!

Xu Jianbing pointed out that to expand the industry leadership, to strengthen the platform, strong, factor guarantee; to promote the industry butterfly change, constantly improve the level of digital industrialization, green and low carbonization; to optimize the industry development environment, good service "shopkeeper", play "strongest sound", activate fair and orderly "power source", to provide strong impetus for the high-quality development of manufacturing industry.

Good News!kekang Medical Won The “Top 50 Yueqing Manufacturers”

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